Hoverfly by Jane Domingos
The ‘Hover Fly’ is considered a good fly. As larvae it provides effective pest control by eating thrips and aphids. As an adult it is one of the most important pollinators in the ecosystem. Although they mimic wasps and bees to keep their predators at bay Hover Flies don’t sting or bite us. They hover near us
attracted by the moisture found in our sweat and tears. A precarious position to put themselves in. As Blake wrote in his poem The Fly ‘Little fly, thy summer’s play, my thoughtless hand, has brushed away.” A fly - especially a dead fly - is often used to symbolise the brevity of life. Even without the blow of a human hand, a hover fly will only live for around 12 days. I would see how busy the birds and insects were in the glorious sunny peacefulness and marvel at how full their short lives are and how unpredictable their demise.
Ref: #010