Letting photographs tell their stories
Letting photographs tell their stories

Letting photographs tell their stories by Diane Leopard
Series of 12, individually framed, A4 size photographs

Diagnosis - life fell apart
Appointments - the endless flow
Denial - a cocoon of denial, whilst normal life continues all around
Long Road Ahead - unknown length of treatment, difficult in places
Tears - early morning dew drops representing tears of emotions
Tunnel of Treatment - tunnel of poisonous treatment, supported by kind caring medical staff with light at the end of the tunnel
Radiotherapy - post radiotherapy burns
Brain Fog - as a result of the treatment and stress many people struggle with brain fog
Exposed - feeling exposed both physically and emotionally
End of Treatment - a feeling of emptiness and loneliness
Scarred - physical and emotional scars are always there but in time they begin to heal
New Beginning - from within the tears we cry a new beginning starts to develop

Ref: #022

Letting photographs tell their stories

Letting photographs tell their stories by Diane Leopard
Series of 12, individually framed, A4 size photographs

Diagnosis - life fell apart
Appointments - the endless flow
Denial - a cocoon of denial, whilst normal life continues all around
Long Road Ahead - unknown length of treatment, difficult in places
Tears - early morning dew drops representing tears of emotions
Tunnel of Treatment - tunnel of poisonous treatment, supported by kind caring medical staff with light at the end of the tunnel
Radiotherapy - post radiotherapy burns
Brain Fog - as a result of the treatment and stress many people struggle with brain fog
Exposed - feeling exposed both physically and emotionally
End of Treatment - a feeling of emptiness and loneliness
Scarred - physical and emotional scars are always there but in time they begin to heal
New Beginning - from within the tears we cry a new beginning starts to develop

Ref: #022